Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome New Parents!!

Welcome to the Dinofours class blog!!

Why Dinofours you ask? Well- it is a book series about a preschool class made up of dinosaurs. The kids in the books work through a lot of the same problems we work through in our class. We kinda feel attached to them. So that is where Dinofours comes from....

Welcome to all our new parents. We are so excited to have you join our School Family. We can't wait to get to know you and work with you. This blog is designed to be a resource for you so you can find info at home even if you lost the note we gave you at school or *gasp* forgot to read the white board. Not that any of us would ever do that.......;)

I will post upcoming events and notices. I will also post pictures starting in September once I have made certain everyone knows about the blog.

I hope everyone has gotten a new Parent Packet from us. If we missed you then please let us know and we will get you one. I will also be putting out a newsletter next week to inform you more about some of the fun ways we try to involve you in your child's preschool life.

Here is a basic run down of our Preschool time schedule.

9:30 Circle time- a group time where we gather everyone to read, sing, tell stories and learn.
10:00 Outside time- when it gets colder we will have an indoor activity time
10:30-11:30 Center time- Teachers set out centers and children have an hour to explore and learn. Teachers get down and facilitate learning but do not lead here. This is a time that they really get to make choices and grow.
11:30 Music or singing time
12:00 Lunch

This is our schedule 5 days a week now. Friday is no longer "Movie Day" or "Toy day". We will have a Sharing Circle time on Fridays where children may share the thing they brought from home that starts with the letter of the week. We will also still do centers that day. For those returning parents this will be an adjustment but Fridays will still host Food Projects as one of the centers and also a "Movie Nap" time. We just felt like so much time was being wasted on Fridays. We are very excited about the changes!!

This blog is meant to be a resource for you. Feel free to follow it and leave comments. If you think of something that you would like me to post about just let me know and I will see what I can do. My computer skills aren't super great but I will do my best.

This week for sharing children can choose 1 toy from home of choice- maybe something they really love or something that tells us about them. Letters of the week will start Sept. 13th
with A&B and then go down from there. We will go through the whole Alphabet before Christmas. Then again before graduation in May. I will post more on this later and also every week put what letters we are doing here so you can go over them with your children at home.

So excited to be partners with you in your child's education and learning

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