Friday, April 4, 2014

Fun with Weather

We have had such a fun week learning about Weather!  Here are a few pics of our fun centers.

We did cloud jars.  The point of this is when the cloud fill up with enough colored water it "rains" into the  clear water below.  The kids had so much fun doing this.  Check out how it is done here
This would be a super fun activity to do at home. I think food colored water would work just as good as our liquid water colors!

 We also used water and cotton balls to absorb water into our clouds and squeeze out the rain. Here

We sorted and grouped our weather cards.

We used a fan to experiment with wind.  Pinwheels and balloons were used.

We danced to our Rainy Day Favorites music.
We read the book "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" and imagined clouds were pictures.
If you ever wondered what we do all day I hope this helps!

One more thing.  We need donations for the Easter Egg Hunt by next week!  So far we have only had one parent donate.  What we need are plastic easter eggs and candy to fill them.  Whatever you can donate would be VERY appreciated

Have a fantastic weekend!
PS Make sure to let me know if you are uncomfortable with your child's pictures being on the blog.  I personally love parents getting a visual of what we do all day so I hope you all will too.

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